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All contents published by BIRJSH Journal in an online version are Open Access and distributed under CC-BY-NC (Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 license) for online mode of publication and publications are available immediately upon publication freely. Thus, accordingly proper acknowledgment and citation must be made for all materials used.
The corresponding author is responsible for completing and returning the signed Open Access Agreement to the Editorial Office or the Publisher.
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The agreement is accessible from the journal's editorial office or can be acquired from the editorial office through email for authors who have opted not to use the online submission method. The Open Access Agreement has to be completed in and submitted to the editorial office by the corresponding author.
The BIRJSH Journal with online publication mode are open access under a Creative Commons license, while the print versions may be subscription based. With this Creative Commons licenses, the public is allowed to reuse the content provided that due attribution is given. The corresponding author grant BIRJSH Journal a license to publish the article and to identify as the original publisher and up on the acceptance of the article the corresponding author will sign copyright transfer form and submit the scan copy to editorial office.